If you want to change the datebase path, run “basexgui” in terminal and change it in preference.
command to start server: basexserver
command to start client: basexclient, default username and password are admin/admin.
Create Database and Add Some Nodes
(: create a database and name it "tv-shows". :)
(: attention: this command cleans the "tv-shows" database if it exist. :)
create db tv-shows
(: open the database whose name is tv-shows. :)
open tv-shows
(: add xml to the currently opened database at the path "shows". :)
add to shows <shows><show></show><show></show><show></show></shows>
(: list all database, there should be 1 resource under tv-shows database. :)
(: list all resources of tv-shows, :)
(: there should be 1 xml whose name is "shows". :)
list tv-shows
(: get all <show/> node under <shows></shows>. :)
(: the result should be <show/><show/><show/>. :)
xquery for $s in shows/show return $s
(: get all <show/> nodes under shows, :)
(: add a new node <name/> to each one of them. :)
xquery for $s in shows/show return insert node <name/> into $s
(: watch the content of the currently opened database :)
(: it should be like this: :)
(: <shows> :)
(: <show><name/></show> :)
(: <show><name/></show> :)
(: <show><name/></show> :)
(: </shows> :)
xquery *
(: insert a new node <rating/> into the first <show/> node under <shows/>. :)
(: attention: the first element is [1], not zero based! :)
xquery insert node <rating/> into shows/show[1]
(: insert a new node <rating/> into the last <show/> node under <shows/>. :)
xquery insert node <rating/> into shows/show[last()]
(: declare that $s is the second <show/> node under <shows/>, :)
(: insert a new <rating/> node into it :)
xquery let $s := shows/show[2] return insert node <rating/> into $s
(: delete the 1st node under <shows/> :)
(: try xquery * again and you should get: :)
(: <shows> :)
(: <show><name/><rating/></show> :)
(: <show><name/><rating/></show> :)
(: </shows> :)
xquery delete node shows/show[1]
(: destroy the database "tv-shows". :)
drop db tv-shows
Update a Node
create db tv-shows
open tv-shows
add to shows <shows><show></show><show></show></shows>
(: add attribute 'update' with current datetime to <shows/> :)
xquery insert node attribute{'update'}{current-dateTime()} into shows
(: add attribute 'season' to shows :)
xquery insert node attribute{'seasons'}{5} into shows/show[1]
xquery insert node attribute{'seasons'}{2} into shows/show[2]
(: add node <name/> to each show :)
xquery insert node <name>Game of Thrones</name> into shows/show[1]
xquery insert node <name>Penny Dreadful</name> into shows/show[2]
(: add <star/> to "Game of Thrones" :)
xquery insert node (<star>Lena Headey</star>, <star>Peter Dinklage</star>)
into shows/show[1]
(: add <star/> to the node whose <name/> is Penny Dreadful :)
xquery for $s in shows/show where $s/name='Penny Dreadful' return insert
node (<star>Josh Hartnett</star>,<star>ironhead</star>) into $s
(: current contents :)
(: <shows update="2014-12-11T14:26:04.139+08:00"> :)
(: <show seasons="5"> :)
(: <name>Game of Thrones</name> :)
(: <star>Lena Headey</star> :)
(: <star>Peter Dinklage</star> :)
(: </show> :)
(: <show seasons="2"> :)
(: <name>Penny Dreadful</name> :)
(: <star>Eva Green</star> :)
(: <star>Josh Hartnett</star> :)
(: <star>ironhead</star> :)
(: </show> :)
(: </shows> :)
xquery *
(: find <show/> whose name is 'Penny Dreadful' and delete the incorrect :)
(: star node <star>ironhead</star>. :)
xquery for $x in shows/show where $x/name='Penny Dreadful'
return delete node $x/star[.='ironhead']
(: replace a <star/> node. :)
xquery for $s in shows/show where $s/name="Penny Dreadful"
return (replace node $s/star[.='Josh Hartnett'] with
<star>Timothy Dalton</star>)
(: rename all <star/> node as <cast/> node :)
xquery for $s in shows/show/star return rename node $s as 'cast'
(: copy the 2nd <show/> node, modify and return it. :)
(: there is nothing happened in the original node. :)
xquery copy $temp := shows/show[2] modify (insert node
<star>Josh Hartnett</star> into $temp) return $temp
(: should not find <star>Josh Hartnett</star> in shows/show[2] :)
xquery *
drop db tv-shows
Write Function - Functional Programming
(: In test database, shows resource.
<show name="Game of Thrones"/>
</shows> :)
(: To declare function in this way, namespace must be local.
node()* is type of node.
node-name($n) returns name of $n.
$n/@* returns all attributes of $n.
element { node-name($n) }{ $n/@* } clone $n :)
(: result: <show name="Game of Thrones"/> :)
xquery declare function local:clone($n as node()*) as node()* {
element { node-name($n) }{ $n/@* }
let $x := doc('test/shows')/shows/show[1]
return local:clone($x)
Get Elements Childlessly
(: In test database, shows resource.
<show name="Game of Thrones"/>
<show name="Penny Dreadful"/>
<movie name="The Maze Runner"/>
(: Result:
<show name="Game of Thrones"/>
<show name="Penny Dreadful"/>
<movie name="The Maze Runner"/>
xquery declare function local:clone($n as node()*) as node()* {
element { node-name($n) }{ $n/@* }
let $x := doc('test/shows')/shows/*
return <root>{
for $c in $x return local:clone($c)