Puzzle Challenge from Ayuda
The first challenge is super easy since the characters are mapped one-to-one.
The second one is interesting. Looks like base64 encoding but it’s not. It’s still easy if you know how to conquer it with brute force. Here is the hint:
# A => jw==
# AA => j5A=
# AAA => j5CR
# AAAAAA => j5CRkpOU
# B => kA==
# BB => kJE=
# BBB => kJGS
# C => kQ==
# CC => kZI=
# CCC => kZKT
# looks like base64
# 3 characters message => 4 characters cipher
# if:
# message[0 .. 3n ] is correct => cipher[0 .. 4m ] will match
# message[0 .. 3n + 1] is correct => cipher[0 .. 4m + 1] will match
# message[0 .. 3n + 2] is correct => cipher[0 .. 4m + 2] will match
cipher_text = """
Their VP contacted me after I sending the answer. But they are focusing their recruitment efforts on local candidates. One more thank you letter, but I really appreciate it.