A.I. Gossips
四月開始,我固定在 KKStream 內部週會時演講,長度五至十五分鐘不等。內容全是關於機器學習與人工智慧的舊聞新聞,從名人八卦到有趣的論文都有。目的有二,一是協助建立公司的資料文化,二是幫助大家成長。由於與會的同事有四成左右為非技術背景,所以內容不深,旨在宣揚目前人工智慧的進度。最近跟同事討論,覺得既然都整理這些內容了,何不寫出來讓更多人看到?所以從這篇開始寫線上版,內容會跟週會的版本相近,每一則可能會有、也可能不會有我個人的註解。前面十九份就看我有沒有心力了。另外為了順便練習英文,每段都會有中英文版,但是不保證是中英對照。
I started to share A.I. and machine learning news regularly in April 2017. Each talk is 5 ~ 15 minutes long. The contents range from gossip to interesting papers. Beside building data culture in KKStream, I also want to help colleagues gain basic knowledge about A.I.. Around 40% of the attendees are non-developers, so there is almost no difficult topics among those contents. I had a discussion with colleagues recently, and we decided to share the contents on internet. They may or may not contain my comments. Like the title says, consider this a gossip column.